Do-nothing Farming (ENG)
with Hiroki Fukuoka Farmer Yukiyasu Kaneko Sommelier Description (Simultaneous interpretation - English). Hiroki is the grandson of the late Masanobu Fukuoka, a Japanese farmer and philosopher who wrote the seminal book ‘The One-Straw Revolution’, in which he advocated the concept of do-nothing farming. Hiroki still runs the 10-hectare family farm,
Do-nothing Farming (日本語)
with Hiroki Fukuoka Farmer Yukiyasu Kaneko Sommelier Description (Original language - Japanese). 福岡大樹氏。「無の哲学」を提唱し、世界の農業者に影響を与えた「わら一本の革命」の著者でもある福岡正信氏のお孫さんです。大樹氏は現在10ヘクタールほどの福岡正信農園を経営し、お米や小麦、野菜、柑橘類などの果物などを生産しています。自然農法の本質とは「無の哲学」でありこの概念を理解せずに自然農法を理解することは難しく、自然とは感覚的で精神的なものだと語っています。大樹氏の興味のある話をぜひ聞いてみてください。 福岡大樹 経歴 1973年に福岡家の長男として生まれる。 1988年頃社会問題を意識し就農の意思を固める。 1989年「伊予農業高等学校入学」 1992年家業の正反対に位置するバイオテクノロジーを見るために「神戸パストゥールバイオ専門学校」入学 1994年学業を終了し帰郷。この時20歳で父から「30歳までには戻ってこい」と時間の猶予をもらい社会勉強の為、様々な職を経験する。

Stories from the field - Austria
Tune into the Stories From The Field Austria stage for talks that dig deeper into the world of wine, by daily practitioners from the country - wonderful wine growers and makers, plus a wine writer, importer and distributor. Explore some of the questions yet unasked about natural wine, discover how

Stories from the field - Chile
Join us on the Stories From The Field Chile stage for talks that dig deeper into the world of wine by the people that make them, plus an expert viticulturist, cellar master, terroir consultant and a couple of soil microbiologists. Learn about the history of Chilean natural wine over the

Stories from the field - South Africa
Tune into the Stories From The Field South Africa stage for talks that dig deeper into the world of wine, by the people that make them, plus a viticulture consultant and old vine conservationists. Learn about a project to protect the country’s oldest vineyards, the magnificent rebirth of a
with Stephanie & Eduard Tscheppe-Eselböck (Gut Oggau) Grower & Maker Description "We’re tired of endlessly talking about the same thing”, said Eduard on a recent call with team Alive!. “All people ever seem to ask about is winemaking - about sulfites, about fining or filtration. It is basically
Big & Beautiful
with Werner Michlits (Meinklang) Grower & Maker Description One of the criticisms most often levied at clean agriculture, and indeed natural wine, is that it can’t be done at scale, and that, consequently, it will always be the remit of tiny, insignificant (or so naysayers would say), artisan producers.
Letting Go
with Maria Koppitsch (Alex & Maria Koppitsch ) Grower & Maker Description The pandemic has been tough on everyone but for some it has been tougher than most. Husband and wife team, Alex & Maria Koppitsch, farm 6 Ha in Burgenland, where Alex’s family has been making natural wine for