ALIVE! Nicolas Joly - biodynamic pioneer
Nicolas Joly is a world-famous biodynamics practitioner and wine grower from the Loire. He is the founder of La Renaissance des Appellations. His talk at Alive! will be titled 'Let's Return to the True Taste of Wine', during which he will explore the true concept of

ALIVE! Tony Juniper - What Has Nature Ever Done For Us?
Tony Juniper is a campaigner, writer, sustainability adviser and a well-known British environmentalist. He is currently Chair of Natural England and was former Director of Friends of the Earth. Tony is the author of many books, including 'What Has Nature Ever Done For Us?'. Join us for RAW

Why Aren't All Wines Vegan?
Why aren’t all wines vegan? At first glance, this seems a simple question. After all, it’s just fermented grape juice. But exploring the topic in greater depth is a dizzying and fascinating experience - exposing key issues around ethics, ecology and the role of animals in the vineyard.

Iago Bitarishvili - His Philosophy
Iago Bitarishvili runs Iago Winery in Eastern Georgia, where he makes his wines in kvevries (a.k.a. qvevries). Here is a sample of his winemaking philosophy. "My wine tells a story about the location of the vineyard. About the grape variety. It's a local grape variety.

Microbio Wines - The Ancient Vines of Ismael Palomo
Ismael Gozalo Palomo runs Microbio Wines - a winery located around 900m high in the centre of Spain. Ismael looks after many ancient, pre-phylloxera vines - some nearly 300 years’ old. 85% are Verdejo; the remainder are Tempranillo, Merlot and Shiraz. “We are located in the center of Spain in

Christian Binner - Natural Wines in Alsace
The domain Christian Binner, located in the Alsatian heartland, has been in the same family since 1770. “It was five hectares when I began ten years ago; now we are 15 hectares. We grow the typical grape varieties in this area: mainly Riesling - because we love this grape variety

Saša Radikon
Saša Radikon runs the Radikon winery in Friuli - renowned for producing elegant and aged orange wines. His father Stanko Radikon, who died in 2016, was a key figure in the renaissance of skin maceration techniques in northern Italy. “I basically learned everything from my father. The winery was born

Iago Bitarishvili - Master of the Kvevri
Iago Bitarishvili from Iago Winery makes his wines in the East of Georgia and is a master of the kvevri (a.k.a. qvevri) - large earthenware vessels that are traditionally used for making orange wines. The winemaker has 22 kvevries of various sizes buried in his cellar. In this