RAW WINE club - Tasting Notes - August 2022 Selection
Hello and welcome back! In our glouglou day and age, and its quest for the ever-more juicy glass of wine, we seem to prefer wines that have barely left the press - the newer, the fresher, the better. Out with the old and in with the new - it is

RAW WINE Club - Tasting Notes - July 2022 Selection
Hello and welcome back! This must be our most eclectic selection for the wine club so far, so get ready for some palate gym as each bottle is radically different to the next. Putting the selection together was a lot of fun, particularly thanks to a comprehensive tasting of Greek

RAW WINE Club - Tasting Notes - June 2022 Selection
Hello and welcome back! This month’s selection is a little bit unusual as four of the wines are from California! I spent a long time exploring California back in 2014, while researching for the first edition of Natural Wine, and my word have things changed. Whereas back then only
Alive! 2021
The virtual festival of ideas for the world of wine, inspired by nature. All talks were recorded during RAW WINE Alive!, which took place online on 5 - 6 December 2021. They are now available to watch for free. Scroll down for more information on the festival itself as well

Big Ideas
Welcome to the Big Ideas stage. Tune in to these talks for thought-provoking discussions with leaders in their fields - including an environmentalist, plant physiologist and neurobiologist, herbalist and even a philosopher - about topics with far-reaching implications. For example, do we really understand the full scale of what nature
What has Nature ever done for us?
with Tony Juniper CBE Environmentalist, Author & Chair of Natural England Description For too long many have regarded a healthy environment as a nice to have, with the loss of wildlife, damage to ecosystems and pollution of air and water as regrettable, but nonetheless inevitable, and the price we must
How Plants Grow and Move – Is this Behavior?
with Professor Elizabeth Van Volkenburgh Professor of Biology, University of Washington & President of the Society for Plant Neurobiology/Plant Signaling and Behavior Professor Dr. Paco Calvo Professor of Philosophy of Science, and Principal Investigator of Minimal Intelligence Lab, University of Murcia (Spain) Description The question of whether plants are
Planta Sapiens (or why good wine needs no bush)
with Professor Dr. Paco Calvo Professor of Philosophy of Science, and Principal Investigator of Minimal Intelligence Lab, University of Murcia (Spain) Description Grapevines take action autonomously according to their own needs. Their behavior is truly flexible and anticipatory. Vines can navigate their surroundings courtesy of their sensory apparatus, and are