Orange Wine (excerpt)

Orange Wine (excerpt)

Ever wondered why, in Renaissance paintings, the white wines in people’s glasses don’t look as translucent as the whites of today, and why they look more orange than anything else? This isn’t a trick of the light or the patina of age, but perhaps because the Michelangelos

Isabelle Legeron MW

3 min read

Talk Tea Like a Pro

Talk Tea Like a Pro

By Jameel Lalani, Lalani & Co. Your wine skills are sharp. Perhaps with a palate-full from any bottle you can tell the grape, region and even the name of the chap who grew it. Most importantly, you know quality when you taste it. A wine merchant can’t pull the

Guest Author

3 min read

Other Drinks
An Interview with Viniculture's Holger Schwarz

An Interview with Viniculture's Holger Schwarz

Based in Berlin, Viniculture is a wine importer, wine shop and one of our RAW WINE Berlin partners. They list quite a few natural and low-intervention organic and biodynamic wines on their books so we put a few questions to its MD, Holger Schwarz, to learn a bit more about


3 min read

Meet the Community

RAW WINE Crackerjack: Tony Coturri

We are delighted to announce that Californian, natural-wine-growing wonder Tony Coturri is joining us as our ‘Virtual Expert’. Outspoken and opionated, he is the Marmite of wine – in his words ‘you either love me or you hate me’. Well, here at RAW WINE we certainly fall into the former camp


2 min read

Random thoughts on Georgia

By Alice Feiring (Wine Writer & Author) …There was scientist from Germany who was studying yeast. She made the oft parsed statement that a wine made with only native yeast will be more complex than with commercial, but it will be more problematic because the bad yeasts might take over.

Guest Author

3 min read

Waste Management

Waste Management

By Mark Garrett From the start of this series, I have discussed how permaculture is all about using nature as our guide in order to design sustainable living systems for food production or energy supplies for daily living. If you watch nature closely, you will notice that in nature there

Mark Garrett

11 min read

Understanding Sake

Understanding Sake

Day 1 at RAW WINE is well under way and visitors seem to be having a ball, so we thought we’d keep you hooked by sharing a Q&A with Europe’s only importer of proper junmaishu sake. Have a read, and if it piques your curiosity, stop

Guest Author

7 min read

Other Drinks
Why biodiversity means better terroir

Why biodiversity means better terroir

by Hans-Peter Schmidt (Delinat Institute & Mythopia) “Biodiversity: the Foundation of Quality” There are unmistakable signs that grape aroma, even in renowned terroirs, is deteriorating, while at the same time the susceptibility of vines to disease is continually calling for new pesticides. Against this background, European wine-growers are beginning to

Guest Author

12 min read
