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33 min read

Towards the event in Tokyo : Isabelle Legeron on Her Passion for Natural Wine

The English version of the article is located at the end of the Japanese article.

フランス人女性で初のマスター オブ ワインを取得した、ロンドン在住の著名なナチュラルワインの専門家、イザベル・レジュロン。オーガニックワインやビオディナミワインなどのナチュラルワインの生産者を、業界関係者や消費者と繋ぐ世界最大の見本市ブランド「RAW WINE(ロウ・ワイン)」の創始者だ。過去には、有名レストランや高級リゾートなどのワインリストの監修のほか、トラベル・チャンネルでワインにまつわる旅番組のホストも務めていたこともある。



  • RAW WINE(ロウ・ワイン)ってどういう意味?

「RAW WINEは、ワインのカテゴリーではなく、単なる形容詞として使われるものでもなく、私が作った固有のブランド名です。人間の手が介されていないアンタッチなもの、加熱されていない、磨かれていないという意味が含まれています。ここにはネガティブな意味はまったくなくて、ホールサム(自然のまま、健全な)という考えを表現するために名付けました。例えば全粒粉や未精製のお米のようなイメージですね」とイザベルは話す。

ナチュラルワイン業界の世界的な普及に大きな貢献を続けるRAW WINEの活動は多方面で高く評価されている。

「RAW WINEは、トレードマーケットです」

そうイザベルが語る背景には、RAW WINEが単なるワイン愛好家、消費者向けの試飲イベントではなく、業界関係者(プロフェッショナル)を中心とした商取引の場、ネットワーキングを支える重要な役割を果たしている、という意味が込められている。イベントそのものが、ナチュラルワインのエコシステムを支えるプラットフォームにさえなっているといっても過言ではない。

「RAW WINEは、リアルなイベントに加えて、デジタル展開にも力を入れています。誰もが閲覧できる数千ものナチュラルワイン生産者の情報データベースとオンラインストア(現在は英国内のみ)を提供する公式ホームページのユニークユーザー数は毎月5万人を超えています」

  • RAW WINEが定義するナチュラルワインとは



「RAW WINEは、ナチュラルワイン生産者の、ワイン造りにとどまらない、哲学や生き方を広めること。それにより、世界中の人たちを惹きつける、奥深いワインの魅力がより高められるのです。例えば、濾過を行わず、オリが沈むのを時間の経過とともにゆっくり待つという工程からも、こうした特徴が現れている」



  • RAW WINEの参加ワイナリーに求める基準

RAW WINEの参加資格は、コミュニティメンバーに登録する必要がある。現在、1,800軒のワイナリーが参加しているが、そこに入るのは狭き門だ。

「残念ながら誰でも参加できるわけではありません。それは、厳密な定義があるわけではないナチュラルワイン業界のなかで、RAW WINEではかなり厳しいレギュレーションを定めているからです」


「全ての基準をクリアした上で、すでにRAW WINEコミュニティの一員である他の生産者からの推薦を得る必要もあります。そして最後に、ワインのサンプルを送ってもらい、それを私がテイスティングして、最終選出をしています」

「例えば昨年のRAW WINE TOKYOでは、日本からも多くの生産者が参加してくれましたが、距離の関係で事前にすべてのワインをテイスティングすることが叶いませんでした。そのため、フェア当日にすべての参加生産者と会い、彼らのワインをすべて試飲しました。もちろん全員、信頼できる関係者から推薦を受けた生産者だったこともあり、納得のいくワインばかりでした」

RAW WINEは世界的なイベントである一方で、地域のコミュニティにも深く繋がるべき、という信念を大切にしている。だから、できる限り多くの地元の生産者を紹介している。


以下、RAW WINEが独自で定める、参加ワイナリーの基本条件を記しておく。








イザベル自らが試飲して選び抜かれた珠玉の生産者たちは、こちらのリスト からチェックしてほしい。


  • RAW WINEの活動は、文化や環境、ライフスタイルに影響を与えている

「私は13年前にRAW WINEを立ち上げましたが、今でも私たちが透明性の重要性を強調しながらナチュラルワインを推進する唯一のプラットフォームであるということが、信じられないほど驚くべきことだと感じています。実際、私はこれまでずっと取り組んできました。実は、私は20年近くナチュラルワインに関わっていますが、残念ながら、今でもワイン業界は世界的に見ても透明性が低い業界です。例えば、あなたの住んでいる場所で『ワインはどう作られているか知っている?』と聞いても、多くの人は『ブドウを絞って発酵させてアルコールにして、瓶詰めするだけ』と思っているのではないでしょうか。ワインは成分表示が義務付けられていないので、自然な飲み物と思えるワインでも、その製造工程で多くの添加物が使われていることがほとんどで、それについて知っている人はまだ多くありません」

現在市場に出回っているワインの90%は、大量生産され、機械でレシピ通りに作られているのが現状だ。実際には、ワインの色、味、質感などを人工的に変えることができるほど、製造方法が進化して、多くの添加物が使用されている。RAW WINEは、そうしたワイン業界の現実を伝え、消費者がより意識的な選択ができるようにする使命を掲げている。

「RAW WINEの立ち上げ当初からのミッションは、人々にそのことを理解してもらいたいと言うことでした。欧米では農家で作られるチーズと大量生産のチーズを、日本では例えば、職人が作る上質な醤油と大量生産された安価な醤油の違いを、多くの人が意識できると思います。なぜかはわからないのですが、ワインに関してはそのような教育がされてきませんでした。ボトルに職人が働く様子のイラストとともに丁寧なワイン造りをしている印象に見せるラベルを貼るのは簡単ですし、それに対する規制もありません。だからこそ、情報の透明性が求められていると思います。とくに、ワインを飲む人たちが、以下2つのことについて自発的に疑問を投げかけ、答えが得られる世の中になるべきだと望んでいます」






「大量生産のために、水資源が限られた地域でも必要以上に水を消費し、本来ブドウが育つべきではない土地に畑を作っています。自然の力で育たないから、農薬や化学肥料を大量に使用し、土壌は死んで浸食が進むのです。そうした農薬の残留物がワインに残っていることもあるのに、ほとんどの消費者はそれを知らずに摂取しているのです。そしてこうした事実についての情報提供はほとんど行われていません。だからこそ、RAW WINEの目的は、ワインの生産過程を完全に透明化することなのです」


「なぜなら、そういった変化は、ワイン業界ではなく、消費者が引き起こすものだからです。ワイン業界にはさまざまな利害関係が絡んでいて、大量生産されたワインを “小規模な家族経営で作られたテロワールのあるワイン” と見せかける手法は今でも使われています。でも、私たちがワインの透明性について公に語ることで、飲み手の学びに貢献し、ワインの選び方と飲み方を変えることができる、と信じています。この影響は既存体制のワイン業界にも及んでいて、一部の生産者は亜硫酸の使用を減らし、より自然な製法を取り入れるようにもなってきています」

  • 単なる試飲イベントではなく、教育的で、文化的なムーブメントに!

RAW WINEは、ナチュラルワインに興味を持つ人々だけでなく、それ以外の層にも着実にアプローチを伸ばしている。




「ワインは本能や直感で飲むものだ、ということを伝えたいのです。食事をするのと同じように、感覚で味わってください。ブランドや他の人の意見を気にせず、自分に問いかけてみて。『この味は好き?もう一口飲みたくなる?』と。日本人なら、おいしい寿司やお茶の違いはすぐに分かるはず。でも、ワインについてはアプリやスコアを見なければ分からないから難しいと考えていませんか? ワインに親しみのない人であっても、ただ飲んで、自分の体がどう感じるかに耳をすませば、そのワインが本当に良いものか、誠実なものかが分かるようになれたら、と思っています」


「もし農業のやり方を変え始めたら、環境にも大きな変化を与えることができます。今回のイベントでは、東京のワインラバーたちに、ナチュラルワインを選んで飲むことが、自分の体にも地球環境にも繋がって、どれほど重要なことなのかを理解してほしいのです。私たち全員で少しずつ、ワイン業界に変革を引き起こしているのです。そしてそれこそが私のライフワークなのです。そう、RAW WINEは確かに人々をたくさん集めて良いフェアを開催し、ワインの生産者に露出を増やして売上を伸ばす一面もありますが、実はもっと大きなビジョンで、環境と農業にポジティブなインパクトを与え、ワイン業界に世界規模の変革を起こすそうとする試みでもあるのです」

RAW WINEのインスタグラム(https://www.instagram.com/rawwineworld)では、生産者のストーリー紹介を中心に運営しているのもそれが理由だ。6万人以上のフォロワーに向けて、世界のどこかで行われている、草の根運動のようなナチュラルワイン生産者の正直で地道な活動を、伝え続けている。

  • 持続可能性と革新の間にある、ナチュラルワインの新しい真価とは











  • 最近のナチュラルワインのトレンドについて





「ブドウ果汁をボトルに詰めて、ボトル内で自然に発酵させることで発泡させるだけ。糖分や酵母などは加えず、自然に一次発酵させるだけの製法です。こういうとシンプルで簡単に思えるかもしれませんが、ペット・ナットを作ることは実は非常に複雑で技術的な工程を伴います。失敗すれば、最悪ボトルごと爆発してしまうこともあるのです! これがナチュラルワイン業界に広まり、今では多くの伝統的なワイナリーもこのスタイルを試みています。それとすっかり耳馴染みがあるかとは思いますが、果皮や種を使うオレンジワインも古代製法の復活トレンドの一つです。味に深みや複雑みを持たせるだけではなく、自然な保護効果がある抗酸化物質やオイルが多く含まれているため、添加物なしでワインを作れるのです」



  • 最後に、イザベルにとって特別な1本とは

「基本的な好みは、SO2(亜硫酸塩)の使用量が非常に少ないワインです。しかも私が飲むワインの90%は、SO2を一切使っていないものです。ですが、ワインの種類は、スパークリング、甘口、赤、白、ロゼ、オレンジ、分類できないワインであってもかまいません! 要するに、ワインであればなんでも好きなんです。地域にこだわりはありませんが、本当に素晴らしいと思える人々が作ったワインが好きですね。そういったワインには造り手のエネルギーを感じることができますから」


「故アラン・カステックス氏と彼のパートナーであるジスレーヌ・マニエ氏が所有していた頃の、カゾ・デ・マイヨール(Casot des Mailloles)のワインは、私の心に深く刻まれたワインです。厳密にはワイナリーというよりはガレージのような施設ではありましたが……。でも、アランとジスレーヌのワインは並外れたものでした。それは、私がまだこの業界に入ったばかりの頃。南仏のルーション地方にある彼らのワイナリーを訪ね、彼らからナチュラルワインの違いと可能性、その栽培方法を学ばせてもらったのですが、それはまさに目からうろこが落ちた出来事でした。アランは静かで控えめ、繊細で、人間性の高い人物。それ以来、何年もたってたくさんの人と出会ってきましたが、彼ほど優れた栽培者、造り手には出会えていません。彼が作るロゼ、『カンタ・マナーナ(Canta Mañana)』は本当に素晴らしく、今でも私のお気に入りのワインの一つです」





「RAW WINE TOKYO 2025」の最新情報についてはこちらから

シドニーと東京の2拠点ベースで活動中のフリーランスエディター。『ELLE Japon 』 や『 Marie Claire 』 など、世界各国への取材旅を元に仕立てる魅力的なコンテンツを寄稿しながら、おいしさと楽しさを探求することがライフワーク。


Isabelle Legeron, a London-based expert in natural wine, was the first French woman to earn the title of Master of Wine. She is the founder of RAW WINE, the world’s largest trade fair connecting low-intervention organic and biodynamic wine producers with industry professionals and consumers. In addition to curating wine lists for renowned restaurants and luxury resorts, she has also hosted a wine-focused travel show on the Travel Channel.

Born into a winemaking family in the Cognac region, Isabelle’s work in promoting natural wine is also an homage to the farming and winemaking traditions of her grandparents. She recalls how, during the industrialization of viticulture, her family and many other producers in Cognac suffered health issues likely caused by the heavy use of pesticides. This experience strengthened her commitment to raising awareness of natural wine, focusing on winemaking methods, agricultural practices, and the philosophy of producers.

With a growing global presence, especially in Europe and the Americas, and an increasing expansion into Asia since last year, Isabelle shares her current thoughts on the world of natural wine.

  • What Does “RAW WINE” Mean?

“RAW WINE” is not a wine category, nor is it simply an adjective—it is a unique name that I created for our fair and network. The term conveys the idea of something untouched by human intervention, unheated, and unpolished. There is nothing negative about it; rather, it embodies the concept of wholesomeness—natural and pure. Think of it like whole wheat flour or unpolished rice,” explains Isabelle.

Through RAW WINE, she has played a significant role in promoting natural wine worldwide, earning high recognition across various industries.

“RAW WINE is a trade market,” 

Isabelle emphasizes. This statement highlights the fact that RAW WINE is not just a tasting event for wine enthusiasts and consumers but, more importantly, a business platform that facilitates trade and networking among industry professionals. In many ways, RAW WINE has become an essential part of the natural wine ecosystem.

“In addition to physical events, RAW WINE is also expanding its digital presence. Our official website provides a publicly accessible database featuring thousands of natural wine producers, along with an online store (currently available only in the UK). The site attracts over 50,000 unique users per month,” she adds.

  • What RAW WINE Defines as Natural Wine

“The need to distinguish natural wine by adding ‘natural’ before the word ‘wine’ emerged around the 1980s. Natural wine is not new because all wines that were made in the past were natural wines. However, over time, it became something rare. Natural wine, which accounts for less than 1% of global wine production, is just a drop in the ocean, but it is a very important drop.”

RAW WINE continues to promote the spread of natural wine, paying homage to the uniquely crafted wines that defy modern wine industry conventions and are created by overcoming various challenges.

“RAW WINE aims to spread the philosophy and way of life of natural wine producers, which goes beyond winemaking itself. By doing so, the deep allure of wine that captivates people around the world is further enhanced. For example, this characteristic is evident in the process of not filtering the wine and patiently waiting for the lees to settle over time.”

It is not surprising that most natural wine producers do not make wines tailored to specific markets, but instead create wines that they themselves want to drink. The time spent walking in harmony with nature is crucial for making delicious wine, and if one tries to shorten that time, something must be sacrificed. Wine becomes like a child to them. Therefore, they do not consider finding an easier way.

“Through discussions with producers and tasting thousands of wines, I have gained a comprehensive vision and believe that wines made naturally, with little or no added preservatives, are the most delicious. They have a kind of savoriness that awakens the desire to drink more, making you salivate and want to keep drinking. That is the beauty of natural wine. René Redzepi, the chef of the renowned Copenhagen restaurant ‘Noma,’ also said that once you encounter and continue to drink high-quality natural wine, you can’t go back. I would be happy if I could share that feeling with you all.”

  • Criteria for Wineries Participating in RAW WINE

To participate in RAW WINE, wineries must first register as community members. Currently, there are 1800 wineries participating, but gaining entry is not an easy feat.

“Unfortunately, not just anyone can participate. This is because, in the natural wine industry—where there is no strict, universally accepted definition—RAW WINE has established quite stringent regulations,” Isabelle explains.

First and foremost, producers must cultivate their grapes using 100% organic farming methods at a minimum (some use biodynamics and/or permaculture practices as well), and vinify their wines with minimal intervention. Additionally, they must complete a detailed questionnaire about their farming and winemaking methods, submit wine analysis data, and ensure that their sulfite levels are significantly lower than EU standards, according to RAW WINE’s own strict criteria.

“After meeting all these criteria, producers must also obtain a recommendation from an existing RAW WINE community member. Finally, they must send wine samples, which I  will taste before making the final selection.”

“For example, at RAW WINE TOKYO last year, many producers from Japan participated. However, due to logistical constraints, we were unable to taste all the wines beforehand. Instead, we met each participating producer in person at the fair and tasted all their wines on-site. Of course, since they were all recommended by trusted industry professionals, we were confident in their quality—and we were not disappointed.”

While RAW WINE is a global event, it also upholds the belief that it should remain deeply rooted in local communities, which is why we always make sure to include as many local drinks producers as possible. We want to draw attention to exciting artisans who are trying to do things naturally, with care and a respect for the living.

“What matters most is that producers respect the environment and that the wine or sake they create is truly a ‘living beverage’—meaning it contains active microorganisms and genuinely reflects its terroir. That is the most important factor in our selection process.”

Here are the basic conditions set by RAW WINE for participating wineries:

•Farming practices: Organic, biodynamic, or equivalent farming methods

•Harvesting: Grapes are hand-picked

•Fermentation: Fermented with only natural yeasts naturally occurring in the environment

•Malolactic fermentation: Natural malolactic fermentation is not artificially suppressed

•Fining: No fining (not clarified), making the wine suitable for vegans and vegetarians

•Filtration: No filtration (except for light filtering to remove insects or similar impurities)

•Additives: No additives of any kind, with the exception of sulfites, which may not exceed 50 mg per liter

The selected top producers, personally chosen and tasted by Isabelle, can be checked out on this list: RAW WINE Producers.

“Every day, we receive applications from 6-7 wineries, but only about 30% of them pass the evaluation. I firmly believe that all wine should be made organically, as there is really no reason at all for it not to be. Quality food, like wine, should not only satisfy hunger but also provide the body with safe, high-quality nutrition.”

  • RAW WINE’s Impact on Culture, Environment, and Lifestyle

“I started RAW WINE 13 years ago and what I find pretty unbelievable is that we are still the only platform championing natural wine that emphasizes the importance of transparency. In fact, I've been working with natural wine for nearly 20 years, but unfortunately, the wine industry, even globally, still lacks transparency. For example, if you ask people in your area, ‘Do you know how wine is made?’ many would probably answer, ‘You just crush the grapes, ferment them to make alcohol, and bottle it.’ Wine doesn’t have mandatory ingredient labeling, so even wines that seem natural often contain many additives during production, and not many people are aware of that.”

Currently, 90% of the wines on the market are mass-produced and made with machines to a recipe.. In reality, manufacturing methods have evolved to the point where the color, taste, and texture of wine can be artificially altered, and many additives are used. RAW WINE’s mission is to communicate these realities of the wine industry and enable consumers to make more conscious choices.

“The mission of RAW WINE from the very beginning was to make people understand this. In the West, for example, people are aware of the difference between cheese made by farmers and mass-produced cheese. In Japan, many people can distinguish between high-quality soy sauce made by artisans and cheap mass-produced soy sauce. For some reason, this kind of education has not been provided for wine. It’s easy to put a label with an illustration of an artisan at work to give the impression of meticulous winemaking, and there are no regulations against that. That’s why transparency of information is so important. I hope that, especially for wine drinkers, the world becomes a place where people can spontaneously question and get answers to the following two things.”


“There are many additives in wine. Even if it claims to be 100% grape alcohol, additives such as fish, chicken eggs, or dairy-derived ingredients are often used, and many vegans and vegetarians are unaware of this. This is because such information is not written on the label. People have the right to know what they are drinking and should be able to make informed choices.”


“Grape cultivation is, after all, the production of a luxury good. Unlike rice, which is an essential food that sustains people’s lives, grapes are not a necessity. Therefore, grape vineyards should naturally be organic. There is no reason why they should not be organic, and there is no need for large-scale production.”

It is well known that excessive use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers causes significant environmental and health damage.

“To produce on a large scale, water is consumed unnecessarily even in areas where water resources are limited, and vineyards are created in lands where grapes should not naturally grow. Since they cannot be grown by the forces of nature, pesticides and chemical fertilizers are used in large quantities, causing the soil to die and leading to erosion. Residues of these pesticides may remain in the wine, but most consumers unknowingly ingest them. Moreover, there is almost no information provided about these facts.That is why RAW WINE’s goal is to make the wine production process fully transparent.“

Isabelle has seen that as she continues her steady efforts, the media gathers and more people learn, gradually changing the consciousness of wine drinkers.

“Because It is not the wine industry that will initiate the change. It is consumers that will. The wine industry is entangled with, but consumers who bring about the change. The wine industry is entangled with various vested interests, and the technique of making mass-produced wine appear as ‘small-scale, family-run terroir wines’ is still used. However, by publicly talking about transparency in wine, I believe we can contribute to consumers’ learning and change the way people choose and drink wine. This influence is also reaching the existing wine industry, and some producers have started reducing the use of sulfur and adopting more natural methods.”

  • Not Just a Tasting Event, But an Educational and Cultural Movement!

RAW WINE is steadily expanding its reach not only to people interested in natural wine but also to other groups.

“One of our proud achievements is our ability to reach more consumers, especially new generations of wine enthusiasts, through our website and events. They are aware of what they put into their bodies, interested in the ethical aspects of drinking, and actively want to support businesses that care about the environment and the labor conditions of producers. We aim to extend our reach beyond just the wine industry to include people working in fields such as art, travel, and film, as well as those with a more alternative perspective. This is because while wine is often treated as an exclusive, intellectual product, in the end it is actually just a simple agricultural drink; a part of the world of food. Yes it can be complex and mesmerising, but its complexity and beauty is precisely because of its simplicity - the wow of, isn't it amazing that nature can produce something with such depth and interest. Only nature, with its limitless combination of variables, is capable of such originality and perfection”

While organic food has become a massive global business, the adoption and recognition of organic practices in wine are still lagging behind.

“I want to convey that wine is not something you need to drink it with your gut, with your instinct, just as you would eat food. Don't worry about branding or what someone else thinks about a bottle, just ask yourself, do I like it? Does it make me want to have another sip? If you’re Japanese, you can instantly tell the difference between good sushi or tea, right? But with wine, don’t you think it’s difficult because you have to rely on apps or scores? Even for those who are not familiar with wine, if they just drink it and listen to their bodies, they should be able to tell whether the wine is truly good and sincere.”

Isabelle is also an environmental activist through natural wine. She holds masterclasses, gives lectures and talks in various countries, and provides counseling to natural wine producers worldwide.

“If we start changing the way we farm, we can bring about significant changes in the environment. Through this event, I hope to help wine lovers in Tokyo understand how choosing and drinking natural wine connects to both their bodies and the environment, and how important that is. As more and more people start drinking differently, we cause change. All of us, together, are causing this transformation in the wine industry little by little. And in the end that is what my life's work is all about. Yes, RAW WINE does bring people together to hold great fairs, increasing exposure for wine producers and boosting sales, but it’s actually part of a larger vision — one that aims to create a positive impact on the environment and agriculture, and bring about global transformation in the wine industry.”

The reason RAW WINE’s Instagram account (https://www.instagram.com/rawwineworld) primarily shares the stories of producers is because of this mission. With over 60,000 followers, it continues to spread the honest and grassroots activities of natural wine producers taking place all over the world.

  • The New True Value of Natural Wine Between Sustainability and Innovation

The ripple effects of environmental issues that everyone feels have inevitably caused significant damage to agricultural practices. Vine cultivation, which once relied on predictable weather patterns each harvest year, has now become more challenging as weather has become unpredictable.

“For example, torrential rains that bring the amount of rainfall normally seen over several months in just one hour. This is caused by climate change and global warming, and no matter how skilled a farmer is, there is no way to prepare for such events. But by steadily creating natural vineyards that can adapt to these changes, grapevines become stronger, and the soil can adapt to absorb excessive moisture.”

Depleted and damaged soils lack the ability to absorb water when it rains, leading to flooding and further erosion of the soil. On the other hand, healthy organic soil rich in organic matter can absorb and retain moisture, allowing it to permeate the ground without causing further damage. In the case of drought, organic-rich soil can better retain moisture.

”Whether it is reintroducing agroforestry to the vineyard, or using mulching techniques to balance the humidity in the soil, or even - as one producer in Catalonia has done - burying woollen fleece shorn from their own sheep in their soil to help retain moisture, I am constantly hearing inspiring stories from the exceptional men and women in our network about the use of sustainable, innovative techniques to support their vines and soil and help them adapt successfully to a changing climate.”

Unfortunately, there is still a misconception that natural wine producers are laissez-faire or lazy, but this is far from the truth. The best producers are often meticulous and uncompromising. What is required is not only extraordinary observation skills but also a deep respect for nature and constant humility in the face of nature’s sublimity.

“If a sudden heavy frost hits and destroys all the young buds, there’s nothing we can do about it… Natural wine production comes with tremendous challenges and risks. That’s why the price can’t be kept low. Furthermore, the current economic environment—inflation, economic stagnation, wars, and political instability—presents a multitude of challenges, making things even more difficult.”

The wine that results from overcoming such conditions cannot be sold for 3 euros a bottle, and in reality, producers have to sell it for a lot more per bottle at the time of shipment.

“Economic challenges feel even bigger than environmental ones. Many natural wine producers are already carbon-neutral, functioning as carbon sinks—absorbing more carbon dioxide than they produce. They care about their employees, are mindful of the weight of bottles, rely on handcrafting, use less water, and avoid irrigation in many cases. They continue to take these small, consistent actions to minimize their impact.”

Through their dedication to nature, producing precious wines drop by drop, and sharing their stories, natural wine producers are raising awareness about climate and societal issues.

“Producers who practice organic farming, biodynamic methods, and permaculture are often people with good intentions. They show respect for nature, animals (especially if they work with animals), and the people around them. This means they operate their businesses with strong ethics. They focus on making wines that stay true to their environment. So, I believe natural wine perfectly aligns with the younger generation of consumers who care about health, ethics, and the environment. After all, everyone prefers to avoid unnecessary chemicals in what they consume.”

  • Recent Trends in Natural Wine

“Natural wine producers are incredibly creative because they are not necessarily bound by the conventional norms of the wine industry. Many of the natural wine producers started their careers outside of the wine industry before being drawn to it, which might be why they are so open to change.”

The wine industry tends to focus on famous grape varieties such as Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, and Cabernet Sauvignon. However, in regions like the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and southern France, many producers are rediscovering and using local ancient indigenous grape varieties. This shift in mindset is also beneficial to the natural wine community, where it’s not necessary to stick to just Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, or Cabernet Sauvignon.

“The trend of fermentation in wine is evolving in its own unique way. For instance, in Austria, Poland, Central Europe, and Sweden, producers are harvesting from old, neglected fruit trees that no one used to pay attention to and fermenting them alongside their own grapes. Some even ferment drinks by grapes with beer. This creative variation in fermentation styles is a movement unique to the natural wine community, one that is driven by a love for the land and an extraordinary observational ability. By making the most of nature’s power, they are revitalizing local areas and successfully creating great products.”

Before the Champagne method came into existence, sparkling wine made through the ancestral methods dating back to the 16th century, known as Pet-Nat (Pétillant Naturel), is also becoming popular.

“All it takes is bottling grape juice and letting it naturally ferment inside the bottle to create bubbles. No sugar or yeast is added—it is just a single, naturally occurring fermentation. While this may sound simple and easy, making a Pet Nat is actually quite a complex, technical process, not least because done badly, the bottles can (and do) explode! This method has spread within the natural wine industry, and now many traditional wineries are also experimenting with this style. Another well-known trend is orange wine, made using grape skins and seeds. It’s a revival of ancient winemaking methods. Not only does it add depth and complexity to the flavor, but it also contains antioxidants and oils that naturally protect the wine, allowing it to be made without any additives.”

Similarly, wine made using clay pots is part of the revival of traditional winemaking. Natural wine producers, who have a love for natural materials, have been inspired by regions in Georgia, Italy, and parts of Spain, expressing their unique wines.

“Natural wines, free from the constraints of existing rules, can generate creative ideas, and this is definitely influencing the conventional wine industry, which is strict about color and classification. For example, natural wine producers are making white wine from black grapes,or they can do a field of 10 different grape varieties for example. They continue to create delicious drinks, saying ‘rules don’t matter.’ Isn’t that wonderful?”

  •  Finally, what is a special bottle for Isabelle?

“Basically, my preference is for wines with very little use of SO2 (sulfites). About 90% of the wines I drink do not contain any SO2 at all. I like sparklings, sweets, reds, whites, pinks, oranges, and anything in between! Basically I like wine in all its forms. I don’t have a particular preference for regions, but I do like wines made by people who I truly believe are amazing. With such wines, you can really feel the energy of the producer.”

Isabelle has several favorite wines, but what she holds most dear is the way the wine is made and the emotions infused in it. She shared a story about a wine that changed her life.

“The wines of Casot des Mailloles - when it was owned by the late Alain Castex & his partner Ghislaine Magnier - are wines that I hold close to my heart. Strictly speaking, it wasn’t exactly a winery but more of a garage-like facility… But Alain & Ghislaine's wines were extraordinary. I visited them in the Roussillon early in my career, and they really helped open my eyes to the differences and possibilities of natural wine and its farming methods. Alain was a quiet, modest, sensitive man, with a wonderful humanity and he was - even after all these years and all the people I have met - an exceptional grower & maker whose Canta Mañana is so sublime that it is still one of my all time favourites.”

Wine is something that can be chosen based on the mood at the time, and the way you perceive its taste can change. For example, sharing a bottle of wine with loved ones during a meal can leave you with a special, memorable taste.

“Specific tasting notes or scores are helpful, but the emotions, the place, and the people you share the bottle with all deeply influence the relationship between the wine and yourself. So even beginners to natural wine should not be intimidated. Drinking natural wine, a healthy drink, is an emotional experience. That’s why, as I mentioned earlier, I want you to drink with your heart and body, not just your head. Forget everything you think you know about wine and just try it. Don’t worry about what I or experts think—what truly matters is finding your own favorite.”

In the latter half of the interview, Isabelle, who has focused on expanding the natural wine market in Europe and the United States for 13 years, shares her thoughts on her activities in Asia, starting with Japan, and her hopes for the next generation.

“Compared to Japan, where the natural wine market is maturing, China is still in its early stages. I believe there is a possibility to improve the global environment by educating the younger generation about natural wines and organic farming,” says Isabelle. The sequel, along with the release of the second installment, will be published in April, so stay tuned!

For the latest updates on “RAW WINE TOKYO 2025,” click here.

Tomomi Manton
A freelance editor based between Sydney and Tokyo, passionate about creating engaging content to Japanese publication such as ELLE Japon and Marie Claire that explores the joys and flavors of life, inspired by travels around the world!