Sold Out

Xarel·lo, 2018

Available bottle sizes:
Catalonia - Spain
White, Sparkling
100% natural
Sold Out
vineyard Vineyard
  • Organic / Biodynamic (uncertified)
  • Average age of vines: 17
  • Soil type: Gravel, Limestone
cellar Cellar
  • Fermented spontaneously using low-intervention
  • Sulphites: No added sulphites: <10 mg/L
  • Fining (clarification): Unfined
  • Filtering: Unfiltered
  • Suitable for Vegans and vegetarians
  • Alcohol: 12.5%
  • Residual sugar: <1 g/L
  • Vessel type: Stainless Steel

Additional Information

Organic grapes certified but cellar is uncertified
Clot de les Soleres produced the first wine in 2008, recovering the familiar tradition of making wines from the vineyards of Heritage Ferrer de la Vall. From 1880, the heritage was focused principally to the vineyard, and only it had approximately 2-3 Ha. of forest and 1 Ha of garden. Due to phylloxera, from 1888, the production of wine slowly gone down until 70s and 80s of XX Century, when all grapes was sold to big cava makers of region. In year 2001, we began to take care from the vineyards, getting back to family tradition and willing to do wine again. From 2008, we elaborate natural wines, without added sulfites or other artificial products (as artificial enzimes or enological additives). That makes the wines unique and unrepeatable every year depending on the rainfall, the harvesting, the terroir, etc. The vinneyards are in differents altitudes (approximately 265-335m) due tot the fact that two torrents cross the land. The average temperature in summer months is about 29 º C and in the winter months it is about 2 º C approximately. The annual rainfall is 606 l approximately and the vineyards don´t have artifitial irrigation. The harvesting is manual, and the transport of the grapes up to the cellar takes about 20 minutes. The vineyard is cultivated with products which are friendly environment, and authorized for integrated or ecological production. We have organic certification (CCPAE).
  • Catalonia, Spain
  • 9 wines on RAW WINE - View All
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