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Granato, 2020

Available bottle sizes:
Trentino Alto Adige - Italy
Teroldego Vigneti delle Dolomiti IGT
Not available
From the Grower
"We have already drank through the elements that defined 2020 Teroldegos from the more stoney sites (i.e. Morei 2020) and here we find the elevated version of those aspects. Deep petroleum and tar notes on the nose melt with dark but fresh fruit, like a mulberry. This Granato is open and inclined to be available to the drinker even at this younger age. A very tuscan Granato (in the best way possible); “sangiovesized” Teroldego. Lively fruit is the winning element and makes this probably the most pleasant wine of this set. Like a chameleon it changes constantly in the glass while keeping a gentle arrongance and superiority throughout. Like a youthful, but elegant man from another time with a hat, walking on the streets in 2022."
vineyard Vineyard
  • Organic & Biodynamic (certified)
  • Average age of vines: 70
  • Soil type: Alluvial, Gravel, Pebbles
cellar Cellar
  • Fermented spontaneously using low-intervention
  • Sulphites: Low sulphites: 29 mg/L
  • Fining (clarification): Unfined
  • Filtering: Unfiltered
  • Suitable for Vegans and vegetarians
  • Alcohol: 13%
  • Residual sugar: <1 g/L
  • Vessel type: Wood - Old oak
  • Bottle weight: 600

Additional Information

Grapes and pomegranate have common origins and are often found growing together in the Mediterranean basin. The pomegranate fruit also possesses the charm, beauty and intensity of grapes. It is thanks to this union that the name ‘Granato’ derives, the name of a Teroldego of a particular concentration and density that sinks its roots into the stones of the three vineyards in Campo Rotaliano.

Our awareness of nature’s rhythms and cycles has been perfected through observation over time: each season opens new horizons, every day we learn and understand a little more. We have learnt to pay attention, to grasp the subtle differences existing in nature and to preserve the true character of the grape in the expression of its land of origin. Our daily farming gestures are elevated to creative impulses: it is our duty and privilege to wake up every morning and to be free to work according to the message that the earth conveys to us in that moment. We work surrounded by mountains, cultivating Teroldego and Pinot Grigio on alluvial soils of the Campo Rotaliano, Nosiola and Manzoni Bianco on the calcareous-clayey hills of Cognola. We are certified by ICEA and Demeter since 2009.

  • Trentino Alto Adige, Italy
  • 18 wines on RAW WINE - View All
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