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100% natural
Valle del Itata
Not available
vineyard Vineyard
  • Organic / Biodynamic (uncertified)
  • Soil type: Granite
cellar Cellar
  • Fermented spontaneously using low-intervention
  • Sulphites: No added sulphites: <10 mg/L
  • Fining (clarification): Unfined
  • Filtering: Unfiltered
  • Suitable for Vegans and vegetarians
  • Alcohol: tbc
  • Residual sugar: <1 g/L
  • Vessel type: Wood - Old oak, Stainless Steel

Additional Information

its a new label, new wine, so i have not yet the exportation analisis. I hope no use SO2 in this botteling. Its a orange wine whit 5 months of skin contact, fresh and structured. Its from Florida, in the Biobío Region.

Produzco Vinos Naturales desde el 2015 en Florida, Región del Biobío, Valle del Itata, Chile. Mis vinos son de las variedades. País, Cinsault, Moscatel, Carignan y Chasselas. No filtrado, no estabilizado, no corregido, no clarificado, y solo utilizo 30ppm de SO2 total, al embotellado hasta el año 2019. Este 2020 no usaré so2 en absoluto y en adelante espero no usar mas Sulfuroso en mis vinos. Trabajo con 5 familias de pequeños viñateros que solo producen uvas, ellos cultivan sus suelos con animales o a mano, y cuidan sus viñedos sin uso de pesticidas. Con cada uno de ellos tenemos una estrecha relación de amistad y compromiso mutuo por más de 5 años para seguir creciendo en volumen y en valor para todos. Llevamos un programa de visitas durante la temporada para ir monitoreando el viñedo hasta la vendimia, donde una parte de sus uvas me las llevo a mi bodega en Florida, región del Biobio, donde hago toda la vinificación. Durante toda la temporada trabajo absolutamente solo, excepto en las embotellaciones. Por ejemplo esta vendimia tuve que dormir en la bodega y trabajé solo dirante 1 mes para sacar adelante la cosecha 2020. I have been producing Natural Wines since 2015 in Florida, Biobío Region, Itata Valley, Chile. My wines are of the varieties. País, Cinsault, Moscatel, Carignan and Chasselas. Not filtered, not stabilized, not corrected, not clarified, and I only use 30ppm of total SO2, at bottling until 2019. This 2020 I will not use SO2 at all, and from now on I hope not to use more sulfur in my wines. I work hand by hand with 5 families of small vine growers, who only produce grapes, they cultivate their soils with animals or by hand, and take care of their vineyards without the use of pesticides. With each of them we have a close relationship of friendship and mutual commitment for more than 5 years to continue growing in volume and in value for all. We run a program of visits during the season to monitor the vineyard until the harvest, where part of its grapes are taken to my winery in Florida, Biobio region, where I do all the winemaking. Throughout the season I work absolutely alone, except in the bottling. For example, this pandemic-harvest I had to sleep in the winery and I  worked alone for 1 month to carry out the 2020 harvest, wich, i have to say is the best harvest untill now  

  • Region del Biobio, Valle del Itata, Chile
  • 6 wines on RAW WINE - View All
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