Berlin 2021
28 Nov 2021 | #rawwineBER

Meet the Growers & Makers
RAW WINE is a celebration of some of the best wine talent in the world. They produce natural, organic and biodynamic wines, all with few if any additives in the cellar. They are pure, kind to the planet, very possibly better for your health and best of all absolutely delicious.
RAW WINE is leading the charge for transparency. We believe that in an ideal wine world any processing and additives will be clearly communicated to the drinker so that you know exactly what is in your glass. RAW WINE is a first step in this direction – we list all additives and processing on both the website and fair catalogue. We are proud to be leading the way.
RAW WINE is committed to empowering all wine drinkers through real, informed choice. RAW WINE is unprocessed. It is about truth, authenticity and frank wine talking, but most of all it’s about showcasing really good wine.
Treffen Sie die Winzer in Berlin
Treffen Sie 100+ Winzer aus der ganzen Welt, die ihre Weine persönlich vor Ort vorstellen, und tauchen Sie ein in die faszinierende Welt der Naturweine.
RAW WINE präsentiert die weltweit größten Winzer-Talente, die natürliche, biologische und biodynamische Weine herstellen und mit Zusätzen im Keller sparsam umgehen. Die Weine sind naturrein, umweltfreundlich – und vor allem: einfach köstlich.
RAW WINE verpflichtet sich zu Transparenz. Wir halten es für richtig, dass Weintrinker genau über Weinbereitung und Zusätze informiert werden, damit sie wissen, was sie im Glas haben. RAW WINE ist ein erster Schritt in diese Richtung – alle Zusätze und Verarbeitungsmethoden sind sowohl auf der Webseite als auch im Messekatalog aufgeführt. Wir sind stolz, auf diesem Weg voran zu gehen. RAW WINE setzt sich dafür ein, dass alle Weintrinker eine echte, sachkundige Wahl haben. RAW WINE ist ungeschönt. Es geht um Wahrhaftigkeit, Authentizität und offene Weingespräche, aber vor allem wird wirklich guter Wein präsentiert.
Visiting the fair
RAW WINE welcomes the wine and food trade, the press and the general public. It is being held at Markthalle Neun, Eisenbahnstrasse 42/43, 10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg (U1 Görlitzer Bahnhof) – a beautiful covered market in Berlin.
General Visitor Information
Opening Times
How to find us
Besuchen Sie die RAW WINE weinmesse
RAW WINE heißt Sie herzlich willkommen und lädt Wein- und Lebensmittelhandel, Fachpresse und Interessierte ein in die Markthalle Neun – eine schöne historische Markthalle in der Eisenbahnstraße 42/43, 10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg (U1 Görlitzer Bahnhof)
Explore the RAW WINE Offs
Coming to Berlin for the fair and wondering how best to spend your evenings? Check out this list of mini off-events with growers & wines from the fair - there are winemaker dinners, winemaker soirées, and even a Flamenco & Natural Wine pairing featuring growers & their wines from the fair! Get in!
Please note: in line with German government regulations, this fair is now a 2G+ event.
This means that all entrants must be fully vaccinated or recently recovered from COVID, and must supply a negative COVID test result taken within 24 hours before entering the event. A rapid antigen test is fine and there are test centres located everywhere in central Berlin.
If you cannot do tests on Saturday, there will be a test centre organised inside the Markthalle Neun on Sunday, open from 8:30 am to 3 pm. Tests are free for German residents and for foreigners, it will be around 15 euro. This is a small testing facility and we strongly recommend to book and do your test on Saturday, if possible, at one of the test centers below.
You can check your nearest test center here:
The closest center to Markthalle Neun is in Muskauer St, link here:
You can also book your test in advance.
At the entrance, our team will be checking:
- Vaccination proof (QR code or printed if no digital proof available)
- ID
- Negative COVID test result
- Entrance ticket (printed or on your mobile phone)
In addition, depending on the area you are traveling from, registration requirements, isolation requirements and a transport ban may apply. You can find more info from Germany’s Ministry of Health here:
For those who are travelling from or have travelled in ‘high risk areas’:
If at any time during the 10 days prior to entering Germany you have spent time in a ‘high risk area’, you must carry out a digital registration form.
Find the list of high risk areas here:
Find the digital registration form here:
After filling in all the very simple necessary information, you will receive a PDF file as confirmation. You will need to have this on you while travelling. If unable to fill out a digital entry form, you can print out a hand-written form and submit it to your airline/other transporter or the relevant authority on request. It will ask you to upload either your proof of recovery from COVID or proof of vaccination, doing this will exempt you from the quarantine period.
Find the hand-written form here:
This applies to people of all age groups, children under 12 are not exempt.