Grower, Maker

Grower, Maker
The estate has an extension of 30 hectares at an altitude between 400 and 500 mts, the estate is personally run by Luca e Valeria Orsini. The farm includes ten hectares of vineyards The principal objective of our farm has always been the search for quality which respects traditions and territory. The soil can geologically be defined as “clayey schists of pietraforte (sandstone)”; pietraforte is the rock on which our soils rest, while “clayey schists” is clay that is compressed on the surface that, due to weather conditions, gets broken down into smaller and smaller fragments generating the typical kind of soil called “galestro”. This kind of soil is the dominant factor that influences the character of our wines. On the other hand, the attention and care that we have for our vines are not to be underestimated, as our efforts are focussed on enhancing what is now commonly defined as “terroir”. We are in fact convinced that, in order to obtain wines that respect the territory, we certainly need healthy and strong plants, where by strength we intend a strong capacity of “self-defence”, that is not obtained artificially by continuous chemical “treatments”, but that is mainly obtained by the plants having a proper “balance”. Ours are “light” plants with few production buds and with a canopy that is ideally just barely sufficient to satisfy the nutritional needs of the plant and of the fruit. We do not “force” the plants with chemical fertilizers, but we try to find the “fertility” of the soil, a live soil where microorganisms and already present minerals can “move” freely in order to provide nutrients for the roots of our vines. We only use organic products, “compost” obtained from the natural fermentation of pruning residues and manure from a reliable source. All this is much more effective and easy when our everyday commitment to carry out “proper agronomical management” (i.e. cleanliness, good air circulation and correct trellissing) is prompt and timely. The following is a point that I like to stress: vineyard management that aims towards quality cannot be effective without a constant, careful and daily effort to optimize the relationship between the vegetative and the production aspects. This is perfectly in line with our idea of production that respects the environment and the territory without theorizing agricultural practices that are no more sustainable within a global market economy.
Contact Details
+39 055 852 636
via case sparse 83
Panzano in Chianti (FI),
Technical information
This grower-maker grows all their own grapes.
- Size of their farm: 0 (ha)
- Size of farm under vine: 0 (ha)