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Naked Noah

Importer, Distributor


Naked Noah is a project dedicated to bringing natural wine culture to the Baltics.

At Naked Noah, our dream is to help build a culture focused on making sustainable, ethical, and natural choices in what people consume. 

The selection of Naked Noah's wines has a rich history and profound meaning. It represents a network of diverse winemakers, each producing unique wines but unified by shared values. The style of Naked Noah's wines is directly linked to these common values, grounded in two principles: nature and friendship.

"The philosophy behind our wines involves minimal intervention in the vineyard and the cellar, avoiding the addition of chemical inputs. These substances, while stabilizing the wine, hinder its natural evolution. Natural wines, as we define them, are lively, mostly unfiltered, crafted through work that aligns as closely as possible with nature. Why? For the sake of taste, the pleasure of drinking, and the reduction of harm to our bodies."

Friendship stands as the other core principle of Naked Noah's selection. Our network of winemakers is a community of friends where human connections flourish, establishing meaningful relationships. We observe that the sensitivity and personality of the winemaker imprint on the wine. These are mostly small producers—averaging five hectares—who engage in artisanal work. From the earth to the glass, via the vine and the cellar, harmony prevails. Showcasing wines and winegrowers is a unified approach for us.

These wines are exceptional because their creators are exceptional. That's why we are passionate about defending and introducing them to you.

Follow @Naked.Noah on Instagram for exclusive content, and a front-row seat to our incredible journey.

šv. Stepono g. 33
Vilnius, 03210
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