For more than thirty five years Riegel Organic Wines has been selling wine. Peter Riegel, a former student, opened a shop in Constance which sold wool and tea. Then he started importing wine. At the beginning his small business couldn’t support neither him nor his family so he worked several years as a window manufacturer. But this is a thing of the past. Peter Riegel remained to his passion which is wine. He put strong emphasis on organic wine. Soon he found like-minded vintners and friends who supported him. During the first 15 years things struggled for a while. The private barn was only an interim solution – the office was too small. In 2000 after extensive deliberation Peter Riegel decided to have a new building erected. A decision that proved to be a golden opportunity and well-timed right before organic products were on the tip of everyone’s tongue.After the acquisition of the organic wine seller ‚Vinoc‘ in Frankfurt the complete German market opened up. At a fast pace Riegel Bioweine became Germany’s leading organic wine seller. The ever-increasing number of employees required the construction of new offices with a total area of 90.000 square meters in 2014 and 2018. As early as 2017, logistics was moving into a new, modern warehouse with its own office space. Moreover fair trade and charity work havebeen a heartfelt desire for years. Since the foundation of the non-profit association Good Grapes for a Better Life e.V. in 2011 Peter Riegel donates private offerings and proceeds without any deduction to selected projects. Riegel Bioweine pays for all administrativeexpenses.
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