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Vidalco International, LLC


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Vidalco International, LLC (VI) established in June 1999 in the State of West Virginia (WV), and the business is operated mainly from NY. VI is an importer of fine wine and spirits from around the World. The Selection is truly remarkable, a symbol of history, tradition, representing the land where they belong from many generations. They come from small wine artisan families who match the ultimate technology with their knowledge, passion, and love for developing excellent quality wines since ancient times. The contribution of those families is Essential and Priceless to our modern lifestyle and beyond. VI imports products from countries like: Austria, Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Argentina, New Zealand, etc. Some of our important Brands are: Casalforte, Ceccato, Chateau La Bertrande, Chateau Barbe, Chateau Gontier, Chateau Maison Noble, Love, Valpincia, Vina Valoria, etc. The imported products are stored in VI warehouses spaces located in Jersey City, NJ, Huntington and Farmingdale, NY, and Charleston, SC. VI collaborate with local State distributors from around the country who distribute VI imported products. The products are picked up at our warehouses by the distributors. VI is out of State Supplier in several States like: NY, NJ, NC, SC, WV, VA, FL, TX, IL, PA, CT. From time to time we ship to CA, OR, WY and ID. If there's a real business opportunity in other State, we can obtain license to supply.
513 Woodbridge Drive
Charleston, 25311
West Virginia
United States
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