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Vinca Minor

Jason Charles


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Jason Edward Charles has spent the greater portion of the past two decades making the world his classroom. His post-collegiate years found Charles taking photographs of everything from street life in Mexico City to the gorgeous Spanish countryside. After Europe, Charles moved to New York and waited tables in the Manhattan restaurant industry, where he was hostage to the good fortune of being surrounded by passionate wine experts.

His interest ablaze, Charles landed a harvest internship and promptly moved to Northern California, where he worked the fields to learn every possible aspect of the winemaking craft. From there, Charles headed to France to further his studies at Chateau Haut Goujon in Lalande de Pomerol.

After serving the soil, grape and sun in France, Charles returned to work at some of Napa’s most renowned wineries, formally establishing Vinca Minor in 2013.

Certified - by CCOF
+1 707 331 0450
337 Clifton Street
Oakland, 94618
United States
Average production of wine: 28000 (btl)
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