Bar and wine cellar : 100% natural wine !
About 350 cuvées available on the spot, from France and abroad 🍷
Some examples of our wine makers : Patrick Bouju, Frédéric Cossard, Frank Cornelissen, Jean-Yves Péron, Sous le Végétal, Sébastien Dervieux (Babass), Anthony Tortul (La Sorga), Jean-Louis Pinto (Es d'Aqui), Jean-Pierre Robinot, Alice Bouvot (l'Octavin), Fond Cyprès, Vincent Wallard... and many more !
Open tuesday to sunday, from 12 noon to 8 PM
📅 Meet us on RAW WINE fair > Culinaries stand
📅 Celebrate with us during the RAW WINE week : meet our wine producers !
🌐 All our wines on worldwide delivery on www.culinaries.fr
Contact Details
60 avenue des Champs-Élysées
Galeries Lafayette Foodcourt / Level -1